Breakthroughs and Barriers in the OOSD journey

Breakthroughs and Barriers in the OOSD journey

Only 500 seats left
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 2:20 PM to 3:35 PM · 1 hr. 15 min. (Europe/London)
Fleming Room


A huge amount of progress has been made in the last 12 months: we have all seen a big increase in OOSD engagements as airlines have recognized the potential for value creation, whether through Offer ancillaries and dynamic pricing or Order based enablement, operational efficiencies and savings. However, in this complex topic airlines still face challenges such as garnering executive support, making the financial numbers work, prioritisation of amongst IT projects, business buy-in and others. During the roundtable, we would like to share experiences and ideas on the key achievements obtained in the last 12 months and compare the challenges airlines face as they embark on this journey.

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