Flight Status Notifications

Flight Status Notifications



Gate change, delay or diversion. Help travellers and staff stay calm and get where they need to be. Keep your customers, staff and subscribers up-to-date with reliable travel information that’s relevant to them. Flight Status integrates with your FLIFO, reservations and other systems to deliver accurate and profiled notifications, helping you to keep your ground operations running smoothly and your passengers in control. Key Features: - Fully customisable workflows, business rules and events - Granular events control - Tailored alerts for travellers, subscribers and staff - Real-time event triggers - Triggered by airline FLIFO feeds for accurate real-time status - Delivery via APP Push and other channels - Support of vouchers, advertisements and travel advice Benefits: - Harmonise your communications across all touchpoints - Reduce traveller and staff stress - Provide targeted and timely information - Optimise your customer experience - Improve ground efficiency and on-time performance

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